
CLS & SONS - Active White Beauty Products

For the ultimate assurance of how authentic our Active White L-Glutathione is, no less than Mercury Drugstores and South Star Drug nationwide have been carrying the same product from the same manufacturer for years and it only proves that it is definitely the choice of legitimate and well-known retail pharmacies.  The only slight difference between what Mercury Drug has over the counter and what dealers have is the quantity per capsule.  Dealers have 500 mg. capsules while those being offered over at Mercury Drug has 250 mg. capsules for the price of P930 per bottle.  Other than this, they are one and the same.  This being said and looking at it from a cost-effective standpoint, these 500 mg. capsules are the more rational choice of very satisfied patrons and users since they are both offered at the price of Php1500.  Either way, both dosages per capsule are an effective way of getting very positive results as expected.

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Active White Reduced L-Glutathione - ORIGINAL

Because of the ever growing popularity of commercially produced “glutathione”, the makers of the original and authentic “Active White G...